This art exercise aligns with the Ontario Visual Arts curriculum. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate to elementary level students how elements of design can be used to express ideas and communicate feelings in visual arts. In this exercise, students will work cooperatively to create two small murals; one with positive expression and the other with negative expression. Each student will carefully select appropriate elements of design that express positive and negative feelings and will create two grid squares, one for each mural. Students will add their grid squares to the group projects by matching the numbers and letters. When both murals have been created, students will see a dramatic difference between the feelings expressed in the two small murals. Although the subject matter is identical, the expression is completely different because of the carefully chosen elements of design.  
    Critical Thinking and Self Expression    

Watch the video entitled "Critical Thinking and Self Expression". As a teacher lead class discussion, sort elements of design into positive and negative groups.

On mural paper, draw two identical grids as shown. Each grid square must be 6 inches by 6 inches. Number the grid squares, as shown.

    Print the grid squares. There are 30 pages for the "positive" grid mural and 30 pages for te "negative" grid mural. Each page has a number and letter that corresponds with the large grid. Write these numbers and letters on the back of each page along with an upward pointing arrow.    
    Print grid squares...     

Instructions for POSITIVE grid squares

Instructions for NEGATIVE grid squares


Colour this square. Use elements of design (colours, lines, shapes, forms, textures and space) to create non-representational designs and patterns. Do not use words, pictures or symbols. Create a positive feeling for your artwork by choosing your elements of design carefully. A positive feeling in artwork is usually created with: 1) colours that are bright and light; 2) shapes and lines that are smooth and curvy; and, 3) textures that are soft and smooth. When you have finished colouring, cut out your square and add it to the group grid for positive expression. Be sure to match your square to the correct space using the number and letter at the top of this page. Be sure to orient your square with the arrow pointing up. When all of the squares have been added a secret message will be revealed.

Colour this square. Use elements of design (colours, lines, shapes, forms, textures and space) to create non-representational designs and patterns. Do not use words, pictures or symbols. Create a negative feeling for your artwork by choosing your elements of design carefully. A negative feeling in artwork is usually created with: 1) colours that are dull and dark; 2) shapes and lines that are jagged and rough; and, 3) textures that are coarse and rough. When you have finished colouring, cut out your square and add it to the group grid for negative expression. Be sure to match your square to the correct space using the number and letter at the top of this page. Be sure to orient your square with the arrow pointing up. When all of the squares have been added a secret message will be revealed.

    The subject matter is identical but the expression is completely different because of carefully chosen elements of design.    

Visual Arts
(A teacher's resource)





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